
North of Vancouver, Howe Sound offers the best in Squamish windsports. Wind-power unparalleled if you want fun and thrills on the water!

If you’re new to the discipline, a windsport is any type of sport which involves wind power. But you probably figured that! Windsports involve a flexible airfoil such as a kite or sail. What you may not know is that these activities can take place on land, on snow, on ice, and of course, on the water.

When it comes to Squamish windsports, our location on Howe Sound with consistent thermal winds is ideal for wind-powered activities on the water. Almost every day, Squamish enjoys beautiful 20-25 knot winds, from late morning to evening. Our Howe Sound winds begin at the beginning of April through to late October. Peak season for Squamish wind sports is May to September.

Squamish windsports means incredible kitesurfing!

Kitesurfing, or kiteboarding, is a sport that leverages wind power using a large kite to pull a rider across a body of water. You can also do it on land, snow, and ice. It’s a sport that combines various activities – paragliding, windsurfingsurfing, snowboardingskateboarding, and wakeboarding. Compared to the other wind sports, kiteboarding tends to be less expensive and easier to learn.

The sport’s roots date back to the late 1970s and early 1980s when designs were tried and tested successfully. By the late 90s, the sport was growing a bigger audience and went mainstream by the new millennium. Today, there are kitesurfing competitions – freestyle, wave-riding, and racing. There are about 1.5 million kitesurfers worldwide. Between 100,000 and 150,000 kites are sold each year.

This Howe Sound location provides the ideal Squamish windsports location – wind, water, and land merge to offer a virtually flawless experience for kitesurfing and other wind sport activities. It’s regarded by the best as one of the top 10 locations on earth.

Wind and water!

The Squamish River feeds into Howe Sound, a freshwater basin. These are glacier-fed waters from the mountains above, so consequently, the water temperatures, even at the height of summer, are cooler. So, it makes sense that we recommend wetsuits. Even during the hot summer months, most riders wear a 4-5mm full suit. During cold weather, riders wear booties and gloves to stay warm while they comfortably enjoy time on the water.

Given the nature of our thermally driven, often frontal, winds, getting an accurate forecast can sometimes be a little challenging. Fortunately, we draw on helpful resources and, with them, can predict the wind and water conditions pretty well. Don’t hesitate to CONTACT US to get our predictions of the conditions you can expect for the day.

Book your Squamish windsports adventure!

When you come to play in Squamish, BC, enjoy the best convergence of water, land, and wind! Is this your first ride? Or have you done it before? No matter your level of experience, Squamish Watersports will give you an incredible experience in the wind and on the water – totally memorable! And we expect to see you again!

Want to try kiteboarding in Squamish? BOOK A LESSON!